Global CEOs Share The Truth About Running A Company

Running a company can be a really difficult task, especially when you have to juggle your work life with your home life so as to not disturb the very intricate balance between the two. There are many schools that offer business courses for accountants, financiers, marketers, and general managers. But where are the schools for CEOs? CEOs have to learn the job by being on the job. There aren’t any schools to prepare you for taking charge of a company.

When you look at successful CEOs, there is always one trait they all have in common – consistency. Here are some of the daily habits of top CEOs that help them get ahead in the business world as well as in their lives.

  1. Trying a new thing each day. (Raaja Nemani, co-founder, and CEO of BucketFeet)

Each new day brings with it an array of new possibilities. Take advantage of this and do something out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself and take risks.

  1. Bad days are choices. (Dan Teran, co-founder, and CEO of Managed by Q)

You choose what type of day you have. Having a bad day is a choice. So choose to not have one! Running a company is a very difficult task. Most of the time, how well your day goes depends on your mindset. Change your mindset to reflect on how you want your outcomes.

  1. Stay informed. (Michael Bruch, founder, and CEO of Willow)

In a world that is quickly evolving, it is important to stay informed on the latest trends in order to get ahead of the competition. Spend at least an hour a day on social media networks like Twitter and Facebook, scouting for new trends that pop up. Don’t obsess over other people’s ideas, but stay informed all the same.

  1. Go to events and accept invitations. (Liat Zakay, founder and CEO of Donde Fashion)

With every event, comes the possibilities of meeting new people and making new connections. You’ll never know who you’ll run into and what advice you’ll receive. Maybe you’ll meet someone who’ll want to invest in your business or give you fresh ideas on new business endeavors. Don’t miss out on a great way of networking just because you may not, ‘feel like it’.

  1. Experiment (Zach Supalla, co-founder and CEO of Particle)

Try new things and experiment with different leading styles and approaches to handling a situation. By experimenting with new processes and habits, you are discovering better ways to run your company.

  1. Fight brain blocks. (Dan Hogan founder and CEO of Medalogix)

Your brain needs a recovery system – a process to let out steam after a thorough workout. Try playing quick games like catch or djenga. A game gets your creative juices flowing and gives your brain time to think up new ideas.

  1. Take chances. (Kegan Schouwenburg, CEO of SOLS)

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from important people who know the trade. Most people are open and accommodating. As long as you don’t waste their precious time and are clear about what you need.

  1. Tardiness is not attractive. (Andy Bailey, founder of Petra)

Be on time for every appointment, every day. If you’re late to a business meeting, what message does that send your employees? Your actions have consequences. Make it a priority to be always on time.

  1. Respect other people. (Herbert Moore, co-founder and CEO of WiseBanyan)

Never ask someone to do a task that you wouldn’t do. There will always be tasks that may seem boring to you. But setting an example by doing the tasks that you aren’t too excited about instead of delegating them will set a good example to your team.

  1. Exercise and Meditate (Elliot Tomaeno, founder and CEO of ASTRSK)

Meditation increases mental focus and clarity. Not only is exercising healthy for your body, it can also be a great way to relieve stress after a long day.

  1. Start each day with a positive attitude (Gary Miliefsky, CEO of SnoopWall)

Nothing good ever comes easy, so be thankful for what you have. Hard work and dedication will always pay off. A positive mindset can help you to overcome obstacles. Positivity is infectious.

  1. Make time for your employees. (Mike Sands, CEO of Signal)

Stay connected with your staff members wherever they may be. Don’t be aloof and distant. Being out of touch sends the wrong idea to your employees. Interact with them and make them feel heard.

  1. Surround yourself with people whose skills compliment your own. (Matt Lautz, CEO of Corvisa)

When you’re running a company, it is important to focus on your personal strengths and develop those while delegating other important tasks to talented people in your team. Remember, it takes a village.

  1. Walk before going to bed. (Charlie Silver, CEO of Algebraix Data)

Walking clears your mind, calms you down from the daily stress of running a company and allows you to get clarity and a proper perspective on your priorities.

  1. Leave your work outside the bedroom. (Mark Fachler, founder, and CEO of Veestro)

Your bedroom is a sacred place of relaxation. No matter how hard your job is, allow yourself some peace by creating a work-free zone in the bedroom.

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